Patrick White




What are you doing to practice and promote soil and water quality?

I have been using cover crops and no-till practices on my farm since 2015. I have recently been increasing the diversity of my cover crop mixes as well.

What is being done in your county to support soil and water quality?

We have a fantastic relationship with the NRCS office and our local Soil & Water Conservation District. They have helped cost share new practices such as no till & cover crops and helping fund intermittent drainageways and windbreaks for producers. This has helped many people be much more open to implementing new conservation practices on their farms.

What could be done with more public funding for soil and water quality?

I think that more public funding for soil & water quality should be used to showcase regenerative practices on a local level. There should be a regenerative teaching farm in every county in the state with a field day to accompany it. Share what works and what doesn't work and let farmers teach farmers.

Questions or Comments?

Contact: Aaron Putze

1255 SW Prairie Trail Pkwy, Ankeny, IA 50023
