Peter Bardole




What are you doing to promote soil health and water quality?

We no-till our soybeans and strip-till our corn and apply cover crop to all our ground. We also apply just the nutrients needed to grow current crop, split applying our nitrogen. Test plots and trials have been a part of our farm for many years, knowing we are using good practices but always looking to do better.

What is being done in your county to support soil and water quality?

In Greene County our land is fairly flat so others don't think they need to reduce tillage to control erosion but every year there are more trying no-till and adding cover crops to their operations.

What could be done with more public funding for soil health and water quality?

I think education through research trials and test plots along with field days to show producers the benefits and they can make more profit by adding conservation practices. We have had test plots comparing strip-till and conventional farming practices and strip-till was always more profitable.

Questions or Comments?

Contact: Aaron Putze

1255 SW Prairie Trail Pkwy, Ankeny, IA 50023
