Brent Renner
Brent farms near Klemme and serves as an at-large director for the Iowa Soybean Association. Brent grows soybeans, corn, alfalfa and also runs a cow-calf operation with his father. He has been farming for 19 years. Passionate about soil health, Renner utilizes strip tillage, cover crops, buffer strips and wetlands throughout his land. He feels strongly in balancing a sustainable family farm while remaining competitive economically. Also involved in his local community, Brent takes pride in volunteering with the Hancock County Farm Bureau and North Iowa Ag in the Classroom.
What are you doing to practice and promote soil and water quality?
On the farm: strip-till, cover crops, split-applied nitrogen, with no use of anhydrous. I also serve on a watershed coalition board for the Iowa River.
What else is being done in your county to support soil and water quality?
In Hancock County, mostly buffer strips and waterways but I see a few more cover crop acres every year.
What could be done with more public funding for soil and water quality?
More education and programs to support more best management practices.